Digital Marketing Coaching Services

Ready to start your marketing journey but not quite sure where to start? I have experience as a digital marketing coach for startups as well as large businesses. Let's build your dream business together!


We can level-up your marketing skillset

Is this you? You've launched some marketing efforts and dabbled in social media ads, email campaigns, and content marketing, hoping to connect with your target audience effectively. Yet, despite pouring hours into these strategies, the results are lackluster. It feels like you're flushing dollars and time down the toilet with little to show for it.

You've considered hiring a marketing agency, but the quotes you've received are eye-watering, and they're all keen on locking you into long-term contracts without any solid guarantees of success.

Maybe you're at the point where you're thinking about getting a digital marketing coach or attending (yet another) online marketing workshop. However, the thought of sitting through generic advice that doesn't quite address your specific challenges is disheartening. You're also skeptical about implementing these strategies on your own, fearing it could just be another "swing and a miss" in a series of marketing attempts that haven't paid off.


Can lead your business down a scary path...

Many unknowing businesses face the initial hurdle of selecting a digital marketing coach who promises the world but lacks the specialized knowledge or experience to back up those promises. This mismatch in expectations can leave your marketing efforts stagnating or, worse, set them back. There are a lot of coaches out there who still utilize outdated strategies or a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn't align with your business goals or needs. The consequences? A lot of wasted resources, time, and opportunities.

I'll work with you to navigate the complexities of digital marketing and empower your team with the knowledge and tools to continue growing. We'll develop a tailored strategy that sets you on a path to achieving your marketing objectives - even after our engagement is done.


Master marketing (and crush your goals)

There are lots of ways I can help during our digital marketing coaching engagement. A few of them are:

1-on-1 coaching calls

Virtual calls to discuss strategy, brainstorm, learn new skills, and get actionable tasks completed.

marketing roadmap

Build a marketing roadmap and strategy for your business with monthly action items.

support and resources

Get learning resources in-between sessions so you'll be set up for success.

tactical trainings

Learn marketing secrets from a seasoned pro. SEO, email marketing, PPC, and much more.

branding & voice workshops

Build an unforgettable brand with a tailored workshop.

hiring advice

Get advice on what modern skills and traits to look for in a potential marketing hire.


Case studies


A biotech company wanted coaching for their entry-level marketing employee. Christy Puller hosted coaching calls once a week to focus on ramping the employee up skill-wise and creating an actionable plan. The employee was coached on everything from SEO, website development, content writing, email marketing automation, and more. The new associate ended up receiving a full-time job offer at the company and was significantly up-skilled.

Ready to partner with a passionate digital marketing coach?

Contact me to learn more about how digital marketing coaching can help your business. I'm here to help you succeed, so don't hesitate to reach out! Let's start building your dream business together.