How to Use ChatGPT for SEO Landing Page Design

ChatGPT for SEO

Can you use ChatGPT for SEO? Absolutely! ChatGPT has proven to be an incredible tool for brainstorming and takes a lot of the guesswork out of creating landing pages that just make sense for users (and are optimized for Google!). I hope you brought two pairs of socks because one of them is going to get blown away!

This has been one of my best-kept secrets this year, and I’m very excited to share one of my marketing hacks with all of you! We’ll cover step-by-step how to use ChatGPT to help create beautiful landing pages that show up on Google and convert users. Ready? Let’s get started.

P.S. AI is a great start, but I recommend hiring a local Orlando SEO consultant to get the best help.

ChatGPT for SEO – Brief Overview

Before we get into the weeds, it’s important to understand a few caveats. ChatGPT is NOT an SEO tool, so throughout this training, we will need to use some external tools and resources. The more information we have on our end to feed ChatGPT, the better results we will get. I’ll cover an approach that can easily be replicated for ANY industry, product, or service.

For this running example, I am going to act as a law firm marketing consultant.

Step 1: Identify Landing Page Needed and Primary Keyword

The first obvious step is deciding what you need a landing page for and determining the primary keyword. For our example, I’m a law firm marketing consultant, so I want to create a service page about this. Let’s give ChatGPT this info and have it recommend a few keywords to target for this page.

ChatGPT for landing page

After getting this info, I’ll want to plug in these keywords and figure out the search volume for each and which ones make the most sense to target on the page. I won’t go through how to do that here since it’s basic SEO, but if you need help, feel free to email me.

Step 2: Determine Meta Information For Page

Guess what? ChatGPT can also give us a great meta description and meta title for our new landing page! Let’s ask it to create an engaging title tag based on our keywords and also a meta description and H1 tag.

ChatGPT marketing

Wow! This is a great start for us. We can tweak these even more now that we have a good starting point.

Step 3: Create SEO Landing Page Outline

Here’s one of the most exciting parts! ChatGPT can actually recommend an outline for our landing page. Let’s ask it to do that for us, and then take it a step further.

ChatGPT for SEO

Now, let’s have ChatGPT add some H2 and H3 areas to this same outline. We have an incredibly comprehensive outline now, it’s just a matter of designing it and adding content.

ChatGPT search engine optimization

Step 4: Add Semantic Keywords

Now that we have an outline for our landing page, as well as keywords to target, let’s have ChatGPT recommend some semantic keywords that we should add throughout our landing page. The semantic keywords will give Google even more information about what our page is about, and let Google know our landing page is relevant to the keywords we are targeting!

ChatGPT semantic keywords

Add these keywords throughout the landing page in a natural way! You’ll need to pick and choose which ones to use based on your judgment and the natural flow of the page.

Step 5: Have ChatGPT Generate an FAQ Section

A best practice for ranking on Google is including an FAQ section that provides common questions your audience might ask. It’s also great for potentially appearing on the “People Also Ask” section of a Google search. Thankfully for us, ChatGPT can help with this.

Pick a handful of these questions and answer them on your landing page.

ChatGPT marketing services

Step 6: Create Internal Linking Opportunities

Now that we have a well-organized and well-written landing page that provides value to our users, we want to create some internal links. The best way to do this is to create blog articles relevant to your page. In my example, I just created a service page around law firm marketing consulting services, so I need some blog posts that law firms and attorneys would enjoy reading.

ChatGPT internal linking

Is that cool or what!?

The Bottom Line

It’s as simple as that, guys! You can reuse this process for any product or service landing page. I hope this was immensely helpful, and if you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, please share it with your friends.

If you need help with digital marketing or need a marketing coach, please reach out to me. I’d love to connect with you!

Christy Puller is a dynamic leader known for driving profit and revenue through innovative digital marketing strategies. She has built marketing functions from the ground up in both B2B and B2C sectors, scaled teams, and generated over 8 figures ARR and 40-60% YoY growth for multiple industries.

Passionate about SEO, PPC, content strategy, and team leadership, Christy has crafted international and domestic marketing strategies and developed top-tier marketing teams. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the University of Central Florida and multiple industry certifications, Christy combines academic rigor with real-world success to empower businesses and mentor future marketing leaders.

Contact [email protected].

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Hey, I'm Christy Puller. I'm passionate about getting your business on the path to generating revenue through marketing.

About Christy Puller

With over 10 years of strategic marketing experience, Christy is a dynamic leader known for driving profit and revenue through innovative digital marketing strategies. She has built marketing functions from the ground up in both B2B and B2C sectors, scaled teams, and generated over 8 figures ARR and 40-60% YoY growth for multiple industries.

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