Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads: Which is Better for Your Business in 2024?

Facebook ads vs Google ads

Confused about whether to use Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads? Each platform is unique in its advertising capabilities, and one may be better for your business than the other, depending on your audience and buyer’s intent and your business goals. I have been using Facebook (Meta) and Google Ads for over 10+ years and will help you choose the correct platform for your business in this article!

Understanding Facebook Ads

Facebook (Meta) Ads operate within the world’s largest social network, offering your business a unique opportunity to connect with over 2.8 billion active users! These ads allow for sophisticated targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, making it possible to reach your ideal audience with precision.

Benefits of Facebook Ads

The visual nature of Facebook Ads, combined with its robust targeting capabilities, enables your business to create compelling campaigns that not only reach but also engage your target audience. Whether through image, video, carousel, or interactive formats, advertisers can craft ads that tell a story and invoke a response.

What I love about Facebook Ads is their ability to target based on granular features. Below are just a few audience targeting options you can dial-in on to ensure you’re targeting the perfect buyer’s for your business.

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Languages
  • Interests
  • Users who engaged with your website
  • Age

Limitations of Facebook Ads

One potential drawback of Facebook Ads is ad fatigue, where the audience becomes overexposed to ads, leading to diminished returns. Additionally, the platform’s focus on keeping users within its ecosystem can limit direct conversions for businesses focused on immediate sales outside Facebook.

These limitations can be overcome with a solid Facebook Ads strategy that involves refreshing your ad content to limit ad fatigue. There is nothing worse than seeing the same ad 10 times when you’re not ready to buy! You should also be consistently testing your Facebook ads in order to hone-in on the ad copy, images, and targeting that is driving the most revenue for your business.

Exploring Google Ads

Oh, Google Ads! The cornerstone of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) taps into the power of search intent. With a vast network encompassing the Google Search Engine and the Google Display Network, you can reach potential customers precisely when they’re searching for YOUR specific products or services.

Benefits of Google Ads

I love Google Ads because they excel in capturing high-intent traffic, making them ideal for businesses looking to drive conversions. The platform’s extensive reach, keyword targeting, and various ad formats, such as search ads, display ads, and shopping ads, provide a versatile toolkit for achieving various marketing goals.

What is “high-intent” traffic, you may ask? Simply put, Google Ads allows you to target people searching for extremely detailed searches. Say you own a window cleaning company in Orlando, FL. You can use Google Ads to show ads to people searching for “Window Cleaning Company Orlando” or “Hire Window Cleaner in Orlando.” As you can see, these types of searches have a high-likelihood to earn you new business quickly.

Limitations of Google Ads

The competitive nature of keyword bidding in Google Ads can drive up costs, especially for popular terms. It can be expensive! Typically, high-intent keywords will cost more since there’s a high likelihood of driving a sale. However, if you have the additional cash on hand to invest in Google Ads, you can turn a profit from them fairly quickly if your account is being managed correctly. The complexity of managing Google Ads campaigns and optimizing for the best results requires a level of expertise and ongoing effort.

Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads: A Comparative Analysis

When comparing both platforms, we need to consider factors like cost, targeting capabilities, ad formats, and user intent. Facebook excels in detailed demographic and interest-based targeting, making it ideal for brand awareness and engagement. In contrast, Google Ads are best suited for capturing users with a clear intent to purchase, thanks to keyword targeting.

CriteriaFacebook AdsGoogle Ads
Platform TypeSocial media advertisingSearch engine advertising
Targeting OptionsDemographics, interests, behaviors, location, engagementKeywords, search intent, location, device, time of day
Ad FormatsImage, video, carousel, slideshows, stories, interactive adsText ads, image ads, shopping ads, video ads, responsive ads
User IntentHigher for engagement and brand awareness, lower for immediate conversionsHigher for immediate conversions, lower for initial brand awareness
Cost EffectivenessGenerally lower cost per click (CPC) but varies by industry and target audienceCan be higher CPC due to competition, but potentially higher conversion rate
Ad ReachOver 2.8 billion active users on Facebook and InstagramAccess to a vast network of users actively searching on Google and its partner websites
Optimization and AnalyticsComprehensive tools for ad optimization and performance analyticsExtensive analytics and optimization options for targeting high-intent traffic
Best Use CasesBrand awareness, community building, customer engagement, and retargetingDirect sales, lead generation, high-intent traffic capture, and market research

How I Approach Facebook and Google Ads

Understand Your Audience

Here’s my philosophy and thought process. You really need to understand your core audience before even getting started. So if you don’t have that nailed down, I would do some homework there beforehand so you don’t have to spend money TO figure out your target audience. You absolutely can run Facebook ads to figure out who your audience is and have Facebook dial that in for you. However, you should note that if you take this approach, it will be expensive because Facebook will show your ad to anyone and everyone in order to figure out what types of people are driving the conversions. Truly understanding who your audience is can cut down on a lot of time and spending. However, I’ve worked with businesses who tell me that their Facebook Ads just aren’t working and they aren’t making sales, only to find out they actually have no idea who their target customers are. In a case like that, we would want to spend a bit more to find out who the real consumers are for that business.

Understand Your Goals

What are your business goals? Are you an established brand and looking to drive increased sales? Are you a new business trying to get your name out there? Do you offer a product or a service? The answers to these questions will help decide which platform is best for your goals.

Choosing Which Platform

Depending on your business, I may recommend a dual approach or an either-or approach. For example, if you’re an eCommerce business selling something like Custom Sneakers, I would absolutely recommend a dual approach where you’d advertise on Facebook to drive sales and also advertise on Google Shopping Ads. On the flip side, if you’re selling IT penetration testing services, I would recommend Google Search Ads because these ads have a higher intent to purchase from buyers. For the IT business, we could absolutely run some awareness-based Facebook ads to build the brand, but initially, I like to put money where the ROI will be the strongest right off the bat.

For example, if you’re a new business with a revolutionary hair care product, I would recommend:

Facebook Ads

  • Awareness-based Facebook Ads to start building the brand
  • Excluding current customers from seeing the ads
  • Retargeting campaign of recent website visitors to drive sales
  • Hyper-targeted Google Shopping Ads for people actively looking to buy this specific type of hair care product.
  • Ensure Google Merchant Center is optimized for additional, free exposure.

We would also want to explore other e-commerce channels (not discussed in this article), such as Amazon and Walmart.com. Of course, budgeting comes into play here as well and will decide if we need to scale up or down our ad strategy.


Choosing between Facebook Ads and Google Ads really depends on your business goals, target audience, and budget! While Facebook offers unparalleled targeting and engagement opportunities, Google excels in capturing high-intent traffic and driving conversions. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each platform, your business can craft a digital advertising strategy that maximizes its online presence and ROI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is cheaper: Facebook Ads or Google Ads?

The cost-effectiveness varies based on industry, target audience, and campaign goals. Generally, Facebook offers lower cost-per-click rates, but Google may provide a higher conversion rate.

Can small businesses benefit from using Facebook Ads or Google Ads?

Absolutely. Both platforms offer scalable solutions that can accommodate various budgets, making digital advertising accessible to most small businesses.

How do I decide between Facebook Ads and Google Ads for my business?

Consider your marketing objectives, target audience, and where they are most likely to engage with your ads. Facebook is typically ideal for building brand awareness, while Google is better for driving immediate sales from high-intent searches.

What are the best practices for creating effective digital ad campaigns?

Focus on clear, compelling ad creatives, use targeting wisely, and continuously analyze and adjust your campaigns based on performance data.

How quickly can I see results from Facebook Ads and Google Ads?

Results can vary widely depending on your business and goals, but some campaigns see immediate engagement on Facebook and quick conversions on Google, depending on the setup and optimization.

Christy Puller is a dynamic leader known for driving profit and revenue through innovative digital marketing strategies. She has built marketing functions from the ground up in both B2B and B2C sectors, scaled teams, and generated over 8 figures ARR and 40-60% YoY growth for multiple industries.

Passionate about SEO, PPC, content strategy, and team leadership, Christy has crafted international and domestic marketing strategies and developed top-tier marketing teams. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the University of Central Florida and multiple industry certifications, Christy combines academic rigor with real-world success to empower businesses and mentor future marketing leaders.

Contact [email protected].

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Hey, I'm Christy Puller. I'm passionate about getting your business on the path to generating revenue through marketing.

About Christy Puller

With over 10 years of strategic marketing experience, Christy is a dynamic leader known for driving profit and revenue through innovative digital marketing strategies. She has built marketing functions from the ground up in both B2B and B2C sectors, scaled teams, and generated over 8 figures ARR and 40-60% YoY growth for multiple industries.

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